Health & Wellness Services

Discogenic Low Back Pain Rehabilitation Programme – Week 1

One morning in December 2007 I woke unable to feel or move my legs.  Upon arriving at the Hospital my first diagnosis was Guillain Barre Syndrome, thankfully, a couple of days later I was diagnosed with two prolapsed discs L4/L5 and L3/L4. Since then I have been on a mission to reduce a person’s risk of low back pain.  However, life is certainly unpredictable and every now and then those who have had low back pain the majority are most likely to have a recurring episode at one stage in their lives.  A rehabilitation programme for inflamed disc(s) needs to consider optimal healing, rest and recovery, and careful progression,  Here is my ‘go-to’ low back pain rehab programme for week one and two – further rehabilitation programmes will follow. Walk from 10minutes up to 40minutes everyday, adjust as you see fit.  Break your walks up with a few mobility and stretching exercises (see below) apply as you need for as long as you need to to release the gripping tightness in the low back. My personal experience I complete all the exercises below every 10 minutes of the walk.  Upon returning home, lay down and apply heat to low back area – getting the weight off your back will be very important during recovery of the disc, and whilst walking is important bear in-mind disc’s and vertebrae should rotate when walking which may inflame the disc further.  So, in the first couple of days avoid over doing it and listen to your body!Details of how to complete the exercises is detailed within each photo.  The video gives you another exercise you may want to break your walk up with – note the chin is down for a few repetitions and then up for a few.

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